Posts tagged Veritas

Set Quota on Veritas Filesystem (Unix Platform)

As Sysadmin, cleaning-up a filesystem is unpleasant task to do. To prevent this, you can set quota of each user, so that they can not use a  filesystem exceeding the given quota.

If your system using Veritas Filesystem on Unix platform, here is an example how to set quota on a filesystem :

  • Login as root.
  • Add /opt/VRTSvxfs/sbin/ directory on your PATH variable

# PATH=$PATH:/opt/VRTSvxfs/sbin

# export PATH

  • Create file with name “quotas” on a filesystem that you want to set quota on it. In this example, we want set quota on /export/home filesystem, then we should create file /export/home/quotas.

# touch /export/home/quotas

  • Set/edit the quota for intended user. For example, we want to set quota for user eric, where the soft limit set to 9200 MB (9420800 blocks) and hard limit set to 9500 MB (9728000 blocks). This is mean user eric can use space on /export/home filesystem exceeding 9200 MB, but can not exceed 9500 MB.

# vxedquota eric

fs /export/home blocks (soft = 9420800, hard = 9728000) inodes (soft = 0, hard = 0)

  • Set time limit. Time limit is a parameter defining how long (in days) a user can exceed their soft limit. Before the time limit is achieved, user should clean-up their space on filesystem. Remember, hard limit can not be exceeded under any circumstances. Set the time limit to 3, mean user can exceed their soft limit for maximal 3 days.

# vxedquota -t

fs /export/home blocks time limit = 3.00 day(s), file time limit = 0 (default)

  • Activate quota for the user. Since we only edit quota for user eric, other user will remain able using space in filesystem without quota.

# vxquotaon -u /export/home

  • Check quota status for user eric

# vxquota -v eric

Note : in Veritas Filesystem, 1 block = 1 kbyte.

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